A number of services are offered by our therapists according to their respective specializations.



Play therapy and creative arts

The approach...

Play therapy and creative arts is a therapeutic approach particularly appropriate for children and adolescents, and those who have lived through traumatic experiences, even adults. People can relieve their burdens by using objects and creative materials. One of the mediating functions of play and the creative arts is to transform unbearable images symbolically into more positive ones. In a specially designed play space, symbolic expression allows the person to regain their footing. Play therapy offers an alternative means of communication when using words is not easy or possible. Art, sand, and music become metaphorical vehicles for the person’s experience.

This approach is proposed by
  • Engage in a global and holistic approach
  • Take distance from intense emotions and learn to manage them differently
  • Find other means of communication
  • Recuperate physical and psychological integrity
  • Improve social relations Promote physical and psychological wellbeing and increase self-esteem
  • Support creative potential and intrinsic values (morals and/or spiritual)
  • Develop a sense of control, security, and greater autonomy.
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The approach...

Psychotherapy is an active, creative, and multisensory process in which a profound exploration of your needs and resources will help you make changes in your life. Through exchanges and experiential activities encouraged in and between sessions, the goal is to create greater balance in your life. Together, we will construct a personal approach to address your worries and concerns based on systemic, Adlerian, cognitive-behavioral, transactional analysis, and psychological trauma theories and impact therapy. This approach can be experienced through traditional (through words) or mediated means (through play, sand, creative arts). I am ready to help you face potentially traumatic events lived punctually or accumulated through several critical incidents.

This approach is proposed by
  • Name and confront the sources of suffering
  • Take time to recognize and live emotions in total security
  • Improve social relations
  • Recuperate physical and psychological integrity
  • Promote physical and psychological wellbeing and improve self-esteem
  • Consider other perspectives and points of view
  • Find meaning and a feeling of self-confidence.



Crisis Intervention Psychology

The approach...

To be confronted by a terror-inducing event can provoke strong reactions and emotions lasting a few days to several weeks. This confrontation with life and death is capable of cracking one’s physical and psychological integrity. Adults and children can experience the consequences of these events differently.

For adults, a structuring interview helps to review facts, thoughts, emotions, and resonances to bring order to the potentially traumatic event and construct a plan for the near future. For children and adolescents, a semi-structured intervention conducted through mediated means (play, creative arts) helps them to activate their resources and regain their footing.

This approach is proposed by
  • Understand survival mechanisms and their impact on the body
  • Take time to recognize and live emotions in total security
  • Begin a mourning process that such an event can provoke
  • Encourage effective coping strategies and stress reduction techniques
  • Activate personal and social resources
  • Address symptoms harmful to your health, such as flashbacks, avoidance (of associated people, places, situations) and sleep disturbances
  • Find meaning and a feeling of confidence



Parental Guidance

The approach...

The goal of parental guidance is to help the parent(s) achieve a harmonious family life while respecting their role towards their child(ren). Discipline issues can be very complex and affect the entire family system.

Parental guidance is characterized by full parental involvement in improving their relationship with their child(ren) or their role in disciplining them. They are considered “co-therapists” because they know their family context and their child(ren) best. This service makes use of positive parenting, and the emphasis will be placed on cooperation, responsibility, and autonomy to be encouraged rather than submission, punishment, and dependence.

This approach is proposed by
  • Calm interfamily relationships
  • Improve understanding of one’s child(ren)
  • Consider a different perspective about what is communicated by a behavior
  • Decode the child(ren)’s needs
  • Find a parental posture and set limits
  • Discuss more constructively as a family
  • Regain confidence and legitimacy in your role as a parent




The approach...

Professional therapists and those in training all need to gain useful perspective when exercising their profession. This is needed to exercise self-care and to provide the highest quality services for others. 

Supervision creates space for discussing resonances and questions with which all professionals are confronted in the helping professions.

When we take care of ourselves, we become more ready to take care of others, because it is no longer a “duty,” “a responsibility,” a “profession,” but because it becomes a joy, an opportunity to share, receive and give. (...)

Taking care of yourself allows you to really orient yourself towards the person of the other, their freedom, their well-being, their evolution, as well as towards my evolution, my coherence. (Poletti & Dobbs, 2015, p. 64). Translation: Sarah Stauffer.

This approach is proposed by
  • Take advantage of a confidential space for sharing professional experiences
  • Share feelings, emotions, and thoughts
  • Allow time to reflect on one’s self and one’s practice
  • Take perspective and hear other points of view
  • Ensure that you maintain a secure ethical and professional posture